Foynes to Limerick Road
(including Adare Bypass)
Limerick City & County Council
Public Consultation March 2015
Approximately 1000 submissions were received in person, by email or by post and approximately 700 people attended the public display events in March. All four options are currently being assessed and all the Public Consultation submissions received are being taken into account as part of this process. As we are in receipt of a large number of submissions, many of which contained specific questions, we are not in a position to reply to each in detail. However, members of the Foynes to Limerick Project Team continue to be available to meet and discuss the options with anyone affected by this Scheme at the Mid West National Road Design Office.
A study area has been defined within which a number of route corridor options have been developed. The study area extends from Foynes to Limerick City. The northern boundary of the study area borders the Shannon Estuary and the southern boundary extends to south of Rathkeale and Adare incorporating sections of the existing N69, N21, N20 and M20. Each corridor is 300m wide, within which the road alignment is likely to fall. There is currently no preference for any of the route corridor options and each will now be subject to assessment under the headings of Economy, Safety, Environment, Accessibility and Integration.
The preferred route corridor is scheduled to be identified before the end of 2015. Once identified, there will be another Public Display, this time showing the preferred route corridor, and we will notify the public through various media regarding the venues and dates in advance of this Public Display. Subsequently, the Project Team will arrange meetings with the individual homeowners/landowners/businesses directly impacted by the preferred route corridor. The drawings which were shown at the recent Public Consultation are available to view and download from this website.
The purpose of this public consultation is to inform the public of the route corridor options under consideration and to afford the opportunity for the public to engage in the process and to raise questions, concerns and comments for consideration as part of the assessment in identifying the preferred route corridor.
Public consultation sessions were held at the South Court Hotel, Raheen Roundabout, Raheen, Limerick on Tuesday,10th March 2015 from 2pm to 8pm and at the Flying Boat & Maritime Museum, Foynes on Wednesday, 11th March 2015 from 2pm to 8pm. The closing date for submissions was Friday, 10th April 2015.