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Project Description


The proposed project is 35km in length and will provide a motorway upgrade from Attyflin to Rathkeale, in addition to connecting the port of Foynes to the motorway network.

The project consists of:

  • Approx.15.6 km dual carriageway from Foynes to Rathkeale (with approx.1.9km single carriageway link road between Ballyclogh and Askeaton),

  • Approx.17.5 km motorway from Rathkeale to the existing motorway network at Attyflin (N21/N20/M20 junction)

  • A Service Area for Heavy Goods Vehicles near Foynes


This project promotes efficient and effective transport links in the Munster region, improving connectivity between Foynes Port, Limerick and the surrounding areas. The project will improve the urban environment of the heritage town of Adare and will increase road capacity, reducing journey times and improving safety for road users.

Where Are We Now


An Bord Pleanála approved the Foynes to Limerick Road (including Adare Bypass) which comprises the Foynes to Rathkeale Protected Road Scheme 2019, the Rathkeale to Attyflin Motorway Scheme 2019 and the Foynes Service Area Scheme 2019 on 30th August 2022.

An Bord Pleanála Approval 


Link to An Bord Pleanála website hereunder.


Motorway / Protected Road / Service Area Schemes

On the 21st November 2023, the Minister for Transport Eamonn Ryan TD announced the Government's approval to advance construction of the Adare Bypass. 

The decision to bring forward construction of the bypass section of the project will facilitate potential early delivery of the bypass ahead of the Ryder Cup. The event will be held at Adare Manor in September 2027 and if delivered, the bypass could assist traffic managment during this busy period.

About Us


Limerick City & County Council in partnership with the Department of Transport and Transport Infrastructure Ireland are developing the Foynes to Limerick road (Including Adare Bypass).

Project Background


In 2014, Limerick City and County Council engaged Engineering Consultants to undertake the planning, design and environmental assessment of the proposed development.

In 2016, a route selection report was published, and the design of the proposed development was subsequently progressed.

In December 2019, Limerick City and County Council submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Natura Impact Statement and Compulsory Purchase Order to An Bord Pleanála for the proposed development.

On the 30th August 2022, An Bord Pleanála, approved the Foynes to Limerick Road (including the Adare Bypass)


Foynes To Limerick Queries ​​​​​​: 

Mid West National Road Design Office,

Lissanalta House,

Dooradoyle Road,



V94 H5RR



Telephone:  061 951000


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© 2014 by MWNRDO Foynes to Limerick Road Improvement Scheme

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